Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4). Passion Piece

The Phantom of the Opera is a special play; I would love to see. I am crazy about musicals. If I could sing, I would perform. When I first saw the Movie starring: Gerard Butler, Emily Rossum, Patrick Wilson, Miranda Richardson, and Minnie Driver, I was blown away. I am a huge Butler fan and to see him be so regal yet vulnerable was enticing.
The story is about a young girl named Christine, who longs for love. She sings and as she sings she hears a voice that has her in a trance. It is mysterious to her. She follows the voice into a dark layer. The Angel of Music she calls it; he is the Phantom of the Opera. Gerard's character is a musical God who puts together idea's for the ensemble to be performed. He makes the Theater a lot of money. No one really sees him but in the shadows. His face is partly masked to hide his burns. However, Christine, is so drawn to this Phantom; this voice that is so enchanting consumes her. But wait, what of her fated love? Patrick Wilson's character is a wealthy man of which she met before. She only dreamed he would remember her. He did. He remembered her and she falls back in love. She is then caught in the triangle of fate and mystery. What does she want? She wants love, but as she gets closer to the Phantom she sees that he is not love. He's a jealous man. He wants her all to himself. He tries to trap her and kill him. CHOOSE! A kiss left on his lips, she leaves the Phantom trembling man. She lives happily ever after with her fated prince.
The music of the movie came from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Nigel Wright. Joel Schumacher directed the film that was made by Webber. Other directors and executive producers include, Austin Shaw, Paul Hitchcock, Lousie Goodsill, Ralph Kamp, Jeff Ammerly, Julia Blackman, Eli Richbourg, and Keith Cousins. The movie came together presented by Warner Brothers Pictures and Odyssey Entertainment. It was based off of a novel by Gaston Leroux called " Le Fantome de l'Opera" which because a stage play directed by Harold Prince.
I personally am drawn to this movie/play because I feel related to the three main characters. I am the Phantom because I desired creativity and spread my success when I'm inspired. When I writeI have such passion and such emotion. My writing can be inspired by love, hate, jealousy, and anything that I feel and it has been know to intrigue people and inspire others. I am like Christine in ways that I can be torn between what I love and who I love. My desires have always led my feet to great adventures. They leave me wanting more. I want to find out more and be closer to it. It is everything that I know I want. On the other hand, relationships have always taken parts of me away from my desires. I feel hindered and confused. I can limit my dreams, or I can ignore my dreams and run away with my temporary lovers. I differ from Christine because, I would have stayed with the Phantom and have been his for the taking and a star. I can't let love stand in the way of that. Gerard's cute so what if he's a little possessive. Am I suppose to believe that my fated Vicompte Raoul wouldn't have a possessive quality. She met him ONCE before. Finally, I can relate to Raoul because I would fight for the one I loved. She wanted him to stay out of it, but he rolled up his sleeves. I admire his character. Along with desire, I know on the other side of things with a career doing what I love shouldn't over power my personal life. There should be a balance.
The Phantom of the Opera is brilliant. I would love to see it live, but watching the movie was great as well. I thought it was beautiful and epic. It felt like other characters were just a pawn in a game. The master needed his piece. It is so important to me that someone watches it. It is the greatest love story in my opinion. It shows that women will always be just as confused about love. It shows the men will always duel to the death over a woman. It also shows that sometimes looks don't matter, if you're a jerk then, well, you won't really get the girl.

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