Thursday, April 1, 2010

1) Create a Play

Cat Caught Your Tongue?

Characters: Nina Black
Scarlet Hall
Drake Fuller

Over view: this is a play about two lovers, one affair, one death, and a silent murder.

Nina and Scarlet were long time friends. They were inseparable throughout their high school years that people believed they were lovers. In a town where being gay was looked down upon, the two hid their true feelings until they went off to college. At college they became very intimate.

Nina and Scarlet at Scarlet's Dorm..

Nina: I love your room. Do you have a roommate?
Scarlet: Nope, it will be just me and you at your request.
Nina: (laughing) At my request? Well I request to stay with you.
Scarlet kisses Nina
Nina: Nu uh uh...not tonight I have an early start tomorrow. What are you're classes like?
Scarlet (puzzled): Well I have Astronomy....History...English... I don't want to talk about this right now. Let's do something a little more fun.
Nina: Come on you have to have other things on your mind.
Scarlet: We have been dating for a year.
Nina: Yeah as a secret. Now it's not a secret. We should celebrate it.
Scarlet: Celebrate what? Sin? or our freaky of nature relationship?
Nina: Are you ashamed now?
Scarlet: I'm just saying I want to enjoy us now in case it doesn't last...
Nina: You don't think we will last? Great My family hates me...YOUR family hates me because of us.
Scarlet: They are out of our lives but that has nothing to do with anything now.
Nina: Oh you just want to mess around with other people.
Scarlet: Why do you always do this; you always want to fight.
Nina: You just said you didn't think we would LAST!!!
Scarlet: I did not say that! You never listen. I said just in case something happened we should enjoy our time together.
Nina: Whatever I'm leaving I have to get ready for tomorrow.
Scarlet: Fine...

Nina walked out and closed the door. In her mind was a contemplation between what Scarlet said or meant to say. She didn't know how to trust her. Why suddenly was Scarlet so physical? As Nina sat in her room staring at books, she thought about texting Scarlet.

Nina texts Scarlet and gets no answer for 3 hours. Then Scarlet calls...

Nina: Hello?
Scarlet: Hey baby girl what you doin'?
Nina: I don't know, sitting here doing nothing...
Scarlet (laughing): Girl you need to get out a bit. There are soooo many people here!
Nina: People? People where?
Scarlet: My room. This girl was dancin' on me shaking her ass around. This guy came up to me and gave me a shot and kissed me!
Nina: Are you kidding me!?!
Scarlet: What?
Nina: I have been texting you and get no answer, and your having a stupid party!?!
Scarlet: Whoa chill out.

Scarlet sat in her chair confused for a moment and then proceeded with the party. Hours go by.

Scarlet texts Nina...
(hey baby...I miss you...where are you)

No response.

The Next Day...

Scarlet: NINA!!! Hey Nina! can we talk?
Nina: I don't know. I don't want to talk.
Scarlet: Please just...tell me what I did wrong.
Nina: Oh Ok maybe the fact that when I leave you throw a party and let some girl rub up on you. Not to mention so guy.
Scarlet: I didn't throw a party they just came over.
Nina: Whatever I hate you so bad. What are we?
Scarlet: Listen I said we needed to enjoy it while we could.
Nina: Are you serious? You wanted a last lay and then be done??!
Scarlet: No. I love you!
Nina: What? Shut up no you don't.
Scarlet: I do love you. With all my heart.
Nina Pauses
Scarlet: I may not do things right, but I love you. I can't possibly live without you.

Nina is weak for what Scarlet's words because she is so in love with the idea of love.

Nina: I love you too.
Scarlet smiles.
Scarlet: Lets go to my place and watch movies or something.
Nina: Ok... that sounds perfect.
Back to Scarlet's dorm

Scarlet: So what do you want to watch? We have...Band of Brothers, On the Ice with Syd the Kid, Lion King, or Tristen and Isolde.
Nina: OOOOoo let's watch Tristen and Isolde.
Scarlet: ehhh... I just watched it. Let's watch the Band of Brothers.
Nina: ...fine. (said with a polite smile)
Scarlet: great.

Moments into the movie Scarlet starts to get physical again...

Nina: What are you doing?
Scarlet: Come on you know you want me.
Nina: (sighs) Why can't we just watch the movie.
Scarlet: I can tell you're not interested so I thought we would full around.
Nina: It's all you think about isn't it? Let's just watch TV then!
Scarlet: You don't love me do you? You never want to make love to me. You don't love me.
Nina: I do love you. But I pictured you being someone I could talk to. I don't want to do this.
Scarlet: You don't love me. You never want to do anything.
Nina: That's not true. I'm just not ready! I do love you though.
Scarlet: Well I don't love you. I can't stand to be with someone so prude.
Nina: Prude?? because I don't want to do the things you want to do?
Scarlet: It is your JOB to make me happy. if you can't do that then you're fired!
Nina: I'm fired? really? you are so dumb.
Scarlet: That's right I was with someone last night anyways I don't need you.
Nina: What? Who? I knew I couldn't trust you.
Scarlet: You don't do what you're suppose to do and I have options
Nina: FINE! BYE!

Nina walks out again but this time Scarlet followed.

Scarlet: Baby wait. I'm sorry I didn't mean It. I just don't know how to get you to be interested in me. Why wont you just love me. Do you want me to kill myself?

Nina turns around...

Nina: What? why would you say that?
Scarlet: I'm going to kill myself; I can't live without you.
Nina: Don't say that. Stop saying that.
Scarlet runs off into her dorm...
Nina follows.
Scarlet's Friend Drake walked out of his doorway and into the hallway to see the commotion.

Nina: Please Scarlet please don't hurt yourself don't do this I love you! I love you so much.
Scarlet: Shut UP I hate when you lie!

Drake walks closer to Scarlet's room.

Nina: I am not lying to you I promise. I will do anything you want me to do to prove it!!
Scarlet says nothing.
Nina: You hear me? Baby I would do anything for you.
Scarlet: Not because you want to. you wont really mean it.
Nina: I want to do it. I want to be with you. I need you.
Scarlet: You don't need me. you lying bitch.

Nina crying as Drake walks into the room.

Drake: Scar what are you doing. You don't want to do this over a girl.
Nina: What? first who are you.
Drake (ignores): Scar. Baby come on. you don't need her. You said so.
Nina: What is going on here. Scarlet who is he?
Drake: I'm her man. I do things for her that you wont remember.
Nina: Oh my God.
Scarlet: He's lying Nina. Shut UP Drake! He's nobody; nobody at all.
Nina: Oh my God. he kissed you that night...
Drake: That's not all.
Scarlet: DRAKE!!! No Nina I love you so much I would NEVER hurt you.
Nina: I'm...I'm humiliated...I'm out of here.

Nina runs out of the room.

Scarlet: NINA!!
Drake hold Scarlet back...
Drake: Let her go she's not worth a damn thing.
Scarlet: She's the only one who has loved me my whole life. the real me.

Scarlet races out of the room after Nina. The two quarrel and start fighting. Yells echoed through the stairwell.
Drake heard Scarlet say "No one would ever love you like I love you.!" and Nina say, "Let me go. Please. I just never want to see you again!." followed by a slight pause.


sound of thuds and grunts.

Scarlet: Oh my God! NINA!! OH MY GOD BABY. I'M..... baby??

Students rush to the stairwell. Scarlet looked at the crowd. Drake looks at Scarlet.

Drake: Scar?
Drake: ...What she...


Drake: What did you do?


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