Friday, April 16, 2010

8). Design costumes

The Girl in the Red Coat.

This story is about a lonely girl with no friends and no family. She doesn't speak to anyone. Everyone around her wonders about her; they talk about her. One day, a man is jogging on a bridge and sees a red coat and no girl..

Characters: Girl in the Red coat, Doug (the lawyer at a coffee shop), Bridgett (coffee shop owner), Bob (man at the news paper stand) and Kyle.

Girl in the red coat walks from out of an alley and hears whispers all around her.

Bridgett: There's that girl again. look at her.
Doug: Sometimes I wonder about that girl. Who's her family?
Bridgett: Don't know, Don't care. She keeps to herself is all anyone knows.
Doug: No one knows her name?
Bridgett: No one.
Doug: Have ya tried talk'n to her?
Bridgett: She don't talk.

Girl in red coat glances over at the coffee shop.

Bridgett: She's kinda creepy if ya ask me.
Doug: shhh she's walking this way.

Girl approaches, with her eyes at her feet. She looks up with big blue eyes out of the corner of her eyes. Doug sips his coffee. Bridgett wipes her stand.

As The girl in the Red coat walks by, Doug's hat flew off the table.

The girl in the Red coat picks it up and sets in on the table and walks away quickly.

Bridgett: Oh my. She's so mysterious.
Doug: Thank you! (to the girl)

Kyle is a man how goes for a run everyday before he goes to work. He is well liked by everyone in the town. He was running by Rossplace Bridge like he does every morning.

when he stopped and saw something.

it was a red coat!

But who does it belong to. Where did if come from?

Kyle: Hello? Is anyone out there?
Kyle: Hello!?
Singing: I am light...take me in your flight.
Kyle: Excuse me? Is someone...
Girl in the Red coat: ...what are you doing here?
Kyle: I found your coat. Why are you naked? Miss?
Girl in the Red coat: I'm going on a journey where I won't need any...
Kyle: Miss please put on your coat it's cold in that water.
Kyle: Miss...please?
Girl in the Red coat: Take it. Give it to the woman at the coffee shop. She will need it.

The girl in the Red coat disappears before his very eyes.

Kyle is left speechless and confused. He holds the red coat and walks slowly away from the bridge.

Kyle: Goodbye...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

7). Theater in My life

I am admittingly a quiet person. I love silence.
I love the open world and natural sounds
of the leaves reaction to the wind. When I set out
into college life I have to change my role. I have
to be more talkative or i will be considered stuck up.
I walk out of my room and into a hallway full of people
and put on a smile in a high pitched voice and say HI! to
everyone. Just like when I work with kids. I worked at a
school. Hi everyone are you ready to sing today!?
I press
pause in my life to be a teacher and friendly because
it's what
I have been wanting to do.
I work, now, as an Endodontist's assistant. I sterilize and clean
and set up I barely talk to the patients. There is another
assistant for that. That is my time to myself even though I am
working I can just be to myself and get things done. I enjoy it.
I enjoy lots of things. But I have to transform from my quiet self
into a fun happy bubbly person to do the things I'm passionate
about. I'm a teacher.I love little kids. I want so much to enjoy
my quiet time in the evenings and spend my days being a great
teacher. When I am enjoying my quiet time noise annoys me.
Another example of my transformation is from school to home. I am
a hard working dedicated person.I am smart and I love it. I pride
myself on it because it's a talent and I'm not always great at
things. From the time I am in school to the time I get home I am
smart. When I get home, don't ask me anything because I wont care
to give you an answer. I am a slob I am lazy. Like a switch
I turn off. It is a rare occasion that I will do work on a weekend
or over a break. This class is an exception because this is an
important semester for me I have to set all things aside for My
Praxis test. This is the only time I don't care so much about my
grades because If I Fail the one thing that decides if I can be
the one thing I'm passionate for then It wont matter if I stay on
Dean's list.
Theater in my life means there's never a dull moment. I'm a
comedian. I love to laugh and I'm funny without trying to be funny.
Things just come out of my mouth. I can be a really serious, and
really dramatic. My facial expressions are easy to read. When I'm
mad it's very expressive. When I tell stories I have very dramatic
story telling qualities and gestures. I'm very quick on my feet I
can improv. with ease. I took an intro to theater class in high
school and we would have to get up in front of the class in
whatever character the teacher told use to be in. I loved it.
I love being someone else. I love pretending. I have a wild
imagination. I run with it. My best friend and I went to Kennywood
once under different secret identities. We have no idea why we did
this. We just wanted to have some fun. We always said when we road
trip anywhere we would become difference characters. We might be
more realistic once.Last time I was in the WNBA and I knew nothing
about basketball.Theater in my life is fun and interesting. I just
hope my skills translate into my teaching ability and I lose my

6). Relating to my Major.

When I sit and think about my journey of learning about Theater, I notice that it has some interesting similarities about learning to be a Deaf Educator. I learn new things every day. When I took this class I expected to get more incite on what makes theater possible; what is the history behind theater? What do I need to know about theater. Learning to teach is like that too. I have to learn the history of sign-language. I learned that It evolves all the time like languages. It came from French signs. It actually wasn't adopted into American sign until the late 20th century. There were school signs that children would do to make fun of teachers, but nothing taught in actual sign. ASL has different dialects in parts of America just like there is a difference because saying; pop, soda, soda-pop, or soft drinks in different parts of America. It is interesting learning about the history of things. It helps people better understand why things have changed or haven't. Or why theater or sign came to be this way.
Not only is learning theater similar to learning sign language, it has different aspects that make it unique. Scripts are important in theater. Sign-language has a a foundation to follow. We abide by these guidelines to deliver a message just like actors in a play. Facial expression is key to relay a message. Drama's have to be a little over done so you understand the emotions: being surprised, scared, sad, mad, bored and others are important to relay. When communicating with a deaf person. If you aren't sure what is being said you can read facial expressions to get you caught up to speed. With sign language, you tell a story with your body just like actors in a play.
Being a teacher has a lot of qualities that play makers in the theater business have. Theater is to create. Play writers write up an idea for the play. They look at cast, music ideas, time framework, things like how the stage is set up etc. Being a teacher is like that. A teacher draws up a lesson plan for the week. What will things be like for day one? How much will be covered in the time period? Teachers are setting the stage for a classroom. Theater has cultural aspects like in a classroom. How will a play relate to an audience? Plays sometimes want to be relatable or comical etc. In a classroom, you have to find out how people learn by finding relatable was to connect to the students. Everyone has a different reaction to methods of teaching. Switch it up and make it interesting. Also, it doesn't hurt for teachers to make people laugh sometimes. Especially since I will be working with little kids, I want to be liked but an authority figure as well. I want to create a balance so they don't take advantage of me, but they find learning fun and exciting. When I read to the children I want to draw the audience in and capture their attention.
Theater and teaching go hand and hand in many ways. As teachers we are actors on a stage presenting our material to an audience. We convey messages, we teach and reteach things, we reenact things. We want to get a reaction for the students. We want them to learn just like actors want the audience to clap. We develop our teaching styles from history. Maybe the way we were taught. Or a teacher that we admired we adapt their methods. I know that some actors get really nervous just like I get nervous sometimes in front of a classroom. Theater and teaching are very similar from the big things to the rows of seats students and audience members have to sit in. :)

5). Review for a Play

I was most interested in seeing an opera. My favor play is The Phantom of the Opera, so I wanted to see an Opera. My boyfriend mentioned to me the Pittsburgh was hosting Carmen. I was intrigued, I remember seeing a tv show about Dorothy Dandgride and she played Carmen in a movie. I never saw the movie itself but it looked like something very interesting to watch. Dorothy's character seemed very free spirited. It seemed like no one could tie her down, not love, not anything. From what I remembered from the movie was that she was trying to seduce a cop that was taking her to jail? Anyways, I decided to go see the Opera, Carmen.
Carmen was composed by Georges Bizet and was based on a novel by Prosper Merimee. At the end of March of this year at the Benedum Center, my boyfriend bought us tickets on the balcony. I thought every seat showed a great view of the stage. There was a cast of amazing singers. Carmen was played by a woman named Kate Aldrich. When Carmen came out she was surrounded by men who loved her and left other girls in the dust. She said some things in French which translate into the most famous line from the movie, "Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame." She warns men about her love but they just follow her in desperate need of her affection. She grows to lust for a man names Don Jose. A man named Roger Honeywell played Don. He ignores her unlike the other men. Don's character was in love with another woman and would marry her. however, when Don is ordered to take Carmen to prison, She seduces him as a way to escape.
Later, Carmen confesses that she is in love and ignores the swarm of men who flirt with her and surround her. Everything gets real musical and Carmen is dancing and gave Don a flower, but he didn't take it. Carmen stresses her love for freedom and it seemed like Don was going to go along with it but he would never leave his wife and family. A man named Zuniga, played by Liam Moran, comes looking for Carmen. Zuniga and Don were about to fight but a whole bunch of men came on and captured Zuniga. Don and Carmen flee the scene. Carmen's friends and Carmen go off with some officers and Don was left alone. He starts fighting people over Carmen, but she is bored with him. He was pretty boring. Don pleaded to her to run away with him, but she wasn't in love with him anymore. Then, Don kills her. She wanted to die free right?
The opera was interesting. I like plays better. However I thought the characters were amusing. I could relate to Carmen sometimes because she was a free spirit and got bored easily. I am very indecisive. She was kind of like most slutty girls who want attention and just want guys as her play things. The music was great I love music. I loved that music was a story in itself. Soloists were amazing. Dan Kempson's character Morales had a great voice I was moved.
The conductor's name was Antony Walker. There was a stage director, a set designer, costume designer, lighting, makeup designer, choreographer, accompanist, and stage managers. They have all the people who make plays feel real.
I loved the fact that it was in Georges Bizet's honor. I love that they keep carrying on his name with his version of the play because it was so great. He would have loved to see the success of the play. I don't think Carmen could have been any less then the character Bizet had in mind. She was perfectly seductive and free. We have boundaries as women. If we have the freedom Carmen had we would be labeled as sluts and worse. It's just unheard of for women to act outside of her expected nature. She changed her mind after making a man fall for her. We consider that as unacceptable. Men can do it. Women don't have the same freedom that men do. So I admire Carmen's character living her life as free as a bird. I really enjoyed the Opera.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4). Passion Piece

The Phantom of the Opera is a special play; I would love to see. I am crazy about musicals. If I could sing, I would perform. When I first saw the Movie starring: Gerard Butler, Emily Rossum, Patrick Wilson, Miranda Richardson, and Minnie Driver, I was blown away. I am a huge Butler fan and to see him be so regal yet vulnerable was enticing.
The story is about a young girl named Christine, who longs for love. She sings and as she sings she hears a voice that has her in a trance. It is mysterious to her. She follows the voice into a dark layer. The Angel of Music she calls it; he is the Phantom of the Opera. Gerard's character is a musical God who puts together idea's for the ensemble to be performed. He makes the Theater a lot of money. No one really sees him but in the shadows. His face is partly masked to hide his burns. However, Christine, is so drawn to this Phantom; this voice that is so enchanting consumes her. But wait, what of her fated love? Patrick Wilson's character is a wealthy man of which she met before. She only dreamed he would remember her. He did. He remembered her and she falls back in love. She is then caught in the triangle of fate and mystery. What does she want? She wants love, but as she gets closer to the Phantom she sees that he is not love. He's a jealous man. He wants her all to himself. He tries to trap her and kill him. CHOOSE! A kiss left on his lips, she leaves the Phantom trembling man. She lives happily ever after with her fated prince.
The music of the movie came from Andrew Lloyd Webber and Nigel Wright. Joel Schumacher directed the film that was made by Webber. Other directors and executive producers include, Austin Shaw, Paul Hitchcock, Lousie Goodsill, Ralph Kamp, Jeff Ammerly, Julia Blackman, Eli Richbourg, and Keith Cousins. The movie came together presented by Warner Brothers Pictures and Odyssey Entertainment. It was based off of a novel by Gaston Leroux called " Le Fantome de l'Opera" which because a stage play directed by Harold Prince.
I personally am drawn to this movie/play because I feel related to the three main characters. I am the Phantom because I desired creativity and spread my success when I'm inspired. When I writeI have such passion and such emotion. My writing can be inspired by love, hate, jealousy, and anything that I feel and it has been know to intrigue people and inspire others. I am like Christine in ways that I can be torn between what I love and who I love. My desires have always led my feet to great adventures. They leave me wanting more. I want to find out more and be closer to it. It is everything that I know I want. On the other hand, relationships have always taken parts of me away from my desires. I feel hindered and confused. I can limit my dreams, or I can ignore my dreams and run away with my temporary lovers. I differ from Christine because, I would have stayed with the Phantom and have been his for the taking and a star. I can't let love stand in the way of that. Gerard's cute so what if he's a little possessive. Am I suppose to believe that my fated Vicompte Raoul wouldn't have a possessive quality. She met him ONCE before. Finally, I can relate to Raoul because I would fight for the one I loved. She wanted him to stay out of it, but he rolled up his sleeves. I admire his character. Along with desire, I know on the other side of things with a career doing what I love shouldn't over power my personal life. There should be a balance.
The Phantom of the Opera is brilliant. I would love to see it live, but watching the movie was great as well. I thought it was beautiful and epic. It felt like other characters were just a pawn in a game. The master needed his piece. It is so important to me that someone watches it. It is the greatest love story in my opinion. It shows that women will always be just as confused about love. It shows the men will always duel to the death over a woman. It also shows that sometimes looks don't matter, if you're a jerk then, well, you won't really get the girl.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

3).What's on Broadway?

The Phantom of the Opera has been one of my favorite musicals. I was happy to see it was on Broadway currently. I normally don't keep up with Broadway because I watch movies. I also know that you can't really experience things like you would at a live production. It would be very interesting to see the Phantom of the Opera live however. I would purchase tickets for the show on-line so I could see exactly what I am buying and maybe compare prices. For instance, I would go to and look under The Phantom of the Opera. It keeps you up-to-date by updating the site daily, not weekly. This site has all you need; directions, the address, distance, location, and tells you what kind of stage the performance is on.
When you go to this site it tells you what is playing that day and the next day. It tells you all the categories of shows to see. It tells you upcoming events and gives you discount ideas. Then it tells you the reviews given so you can decide if you want to see it or not based on critiques. You don't want to waste your money. Finally it shows you a calendar so you can see what fits in your schedule.
The hottest shows are undoubtedly the classics. Show goers have been saying that they love the Addams Family, The Lion King, and Wicked. I could only imagine what the shows live would be like. I loved watching the Addams family growing up. My all time favorite Disney Movie is The Lion King. And In Humanities and Literature I read and displayed a tri-fold of Wicked the Book vs The musical. I am intrigued by all of the leading shows on Broadway today.
I haven't seen any shows on Broadway. I have gone to school productions and saw my friend play Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar. She was also a snail in A Year with Frog and Toad. I would love to see Lion King. I have always wanted to see it live and could never get up there or When it was on Ice in Pittsburgh I was in California. I want so badly to see it because It is and forever will be my favorite Disney movie. Julie Taymor directed the movie and show Stars include, Simba, Nala, Mufasa, Giraffes, Elephants, Birds, and so many more.
The Phantom of the Opera is the longest running musical. It has been going on since 1988 and has not end date. One musical that didn't last long was Legally Blond. My held auditions for the next Elle Woods. It seemed like it would be a good show to watch. However it didn't last. It started in Feb. 2007 and ended in 2008 after showing a handful of performances

Thursday, April 1, 2010

1) Create a Play

Cat Caught Your Tongue?

Characters: Nina Black
Scarlet Hall
Drake Fuller

Over view: this is a play about two lovers, one affair, one death, and a silent murder.

Nina and Scarlet were long time friends. They were inseparable throughout their high school years that people believed they were lovers. In a town where being gay was looked down upon, the two hid their true feelings until they went off to college. At college they became very intimate.

Nina and Scarlet at Scarlet's Dorm..

Nina: I love your room. Do you have a roommate?
Scarlet: Nope, it will be just me and you at your request.
Nina: (laughing) At my request? Well I request to stay with you.
Scarlet kisses Nina
Nina: Nu uh uh...not tonight I have an early start tomorrow. What are you're classes like?
Scarlet (puzzled): Well I have Astronomy....History...English... I don't want to talk about this right now. Let's do something a little more fun.
Nina: Come on you have to have other things on your mind.
Scarlet: We have been dating for a year.
Nina: Yeah as a secret. Now it's not a secret. We should celebrate it.
Scarlet: Celebrate what? Sin? or our freaky of nature relationship?
Nina: Are you ashamed now?
Scarlet: I'm just saying I want to enjoy us now in case it doesn't last...
Nina: You don't think we will last? Great My family hates me...YOUR family hates me because of us.
Scarlet: They are out of our lives but that has nothing to do with anything now.
Nina: Oh you just want to mess around with other people.
Scarlet: Why do you always do this; you always want to fight.
Nina: You just said you didn't think we would LAST!!!
Scarlet: I did not say that! You never listen. I said just in case something happened we should enjoy our time together.
Nina: Whatever I'm leaving I have to get ready for tomorrow.
Scarlet: Fine...

Nina walked out and closed the door. In her mind was a contemplation between what Scarlet said or meant to say. She didn't know how to trust her. Why suddenly was Scarlet so physical? As Nina sat in her room staring at books, she thought about texting Scarlet.

Nina texts Scarlet and gets no answer for 3 hours. Then Scarlet calls...

Nina: Hello?
Scarlet: Hey baby girl what you doin'?
Nina: I don't know, sitting here doing nothing...
Scarlet (laughing): Girl you need to get out a bit. There are soooo many people here!
Nina: People? People where?
Scarlet: My room. This girl was dancin' on me shaking her ass around. This guy came up to me and gave me a shot and kissed me!
Nina: Are you kidding me!?!
Scarlet: What?
Nina: I have been texting you and get no answer, and your having a stupid party!?!
Scarlet: Whoa chill out.

Scarlet sat in her chair confused for a moment and then proceeded with the party. Hours go by.

Scarlet texts Nina...
(hey baby...I miss you...where are you)

No response.

The Next Day...

Scarlet: NINA!!! Hey Nina! can we talk?
Nina: I don't know. I don't want to talk.
Scarlet: Please just...tell me what I did wrong.
Nina: Oh Ok maybe the fact that when I leave you throw a party and let some girl rub up on you. Not to mention so guy.
Scarlet: I didn't throw a party they just came over.
Nina: Whatever I hate you so bad. What are we?
Scarlet: Listen I said we needed to enjoy it while we could.
Nina: Are you serious? You wanted a last lay and then be done??!
Scarlet: No. I love you!
Nina: What? Shut up no you don't.
Scarlet: I do love you. With all my heart.
Nina Pauses
Scarlet: I may not do things right, but I love you. I can't possibly live without you.

Nina is weak for what Scarlet's words because she is so in love with the idea of love.

Nina: I love you too.
Scarlet smiles.
Scarlet: Lets go to my place and watch movies or something.
Nina: Ok... that sounds perfect.
Back to Scarlet's dorm

Scarlet: So what do you want to watch? We have...Band of Brothers, On the Ice with Syd the Kid, Lion King, or Tristen and Isolde.
Nina: OOOOoo let's watch Tristen and Isolde.
Scarlet: ehhh... I just watched it. Let's watch the Band of Brothers.
Nina: ...fine. (said with a polite smile)
Scarlet: great.

Moments into the movie Scarlet starts to get physical again...

Nina: What are you doing?
Scarlet: Come on you know you want me.
Nina: (sighs) Why can't we just watch the movie.
Scarlet: I can tell you're not interested so I thought we would full around.
Nina: It's all you think about isn't it? Let's just watch TV then!
Scarlet: You don't love me do you? You never want to make love to me. You don't love me.
Nina: I do love you. But I pictured you being someone I could talk to. I don't want to do this.
Scarlet: You don't love me. You never want to do anything.
Nina: That's not true. I'm just not ready! I do love you though.
Scarlet: Well I don't love you. I can't stand to be with someone so prude.
Nina: Prude?? because I don't want to do the things you want to do?
Scarlet: It is your JOB to make me happy. if you can't do that then you're fired!
Nina: I'm fired? really? you are so dumb.
Scarlet: That's right I was with someone last night anyways I don't need you.
Nina: What? Who? I knew I couldn't trust you.
Scarlet: You don't do what you're suppose to do and I have options
Nina: FINE! BYE!

Nina walks out again but this time Scarlet followed.

Scarlet: Baby wait. I'm sorry I didn't mean It. I just don't know how to get you to be interested in me. Why wont you just love me. Do you want me to kill myself?

Nina turns around...

Nina: What? why would you say that?
Scarlet: I'm going to kill myself; I can't live without you.
Nina: Don't say that. Stop saying that.
Scarlet runs off into her dorm...
Nina follows.
Scarlet's Friend Drake walked out of his doorway and into the hallway to see the commotion.

Nina: Please Scarlet please don't hurt yourself don't do this I love you! I love you so much.
Scarlet: Shut UP I hate when you lie!

Drake walks closer to Scarlet's room.

Nina: I am not lying to you I promise. I will do anything you want me to do to prove it!!
Scarlet says nothing.
Nina: You hear me? Baby I would do anything for you.
Scarlet: Not because you want to. you wont really mean it.
Nina: I want to do it. I want to be with you. I need you.
Scarlet: You don't need me. you lying bitch.

Nina crying as Drake walks into the room.

Drake: Scar what are you doing. You don't want to do this over a girl.
Nina: What? first who are you.
Drake (ignores): Scar. Baby come on. you don't need her. You said so.
Nina: What is going on here. Scarlet who is he?
Drake: I'm her man. I do things for her that you wont remember.
Nina: Oh my God.
Scarlet: He's lying Nina. Shut UP Drake! He's nobody; nobody at all.
Nina: Oh my God. he kissed you that night...
Drake: That's not all.
Scarlet: DRAKE!!! No Nina I love you so much I would NEVER hurt you.
Nina: I'm...I'm humiliated...I'm out of here.

Nina runs out of the room.

Scarlet: NINA!!
Drake hold Scarlet back...
Drake: Let her go she's not worth a damn thing.
Scarlet: She's the only one who has loved me my whole life. the real me.

Scarlet races out of the room after Nina. The two quarrel and start fighting. Yells echoed through the stairwell.
Drake heard Scarlet say "No one would ever love you like I love you.!" and Nina say, "Let me go. Please. I just never want to see you again!." followed by a slight pause.


sound of thuds and grunts.

Scarlet: Oh my God! NINA!! OH MY GOD BABY. I'M..... baby??

Students rush to the stairwell. Scarlet looked at the crowd. Drake looks at Scarlet.

Drake: Scar?
Drake: ...What she...


Drake: What did you do?
